
Addiewell Prison, UK

Project capex

£75 million


27 years

HICL holding



Fire and Law & Order



Finance, construct, operate, and maintain a maximum security prison for the Scottish Prison Service

The Addiewell Prison PPP project is a 27 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain a new maximum security prison in Addiewell, West Lothian, Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Prison Service.

Addiewell is a community facing prison and receives all categories of male prisoners (convicted, untried, remand and young remands) primarily from West Lothian and Lanarkshire. The building comprises two large purpose- built house blocks. There are 12 separate wings in the house blocks, containing single and double cells as well as cells for disabled prisoners.

The wings separate remand, convicted, new admission, long-term and protection prisoners, and the prison also has a Separation and Care Unit.

Financial close was reached in June 2006. Construction was carried out by Interserve, with capital expenditure of approximately £75 million.

Operations began in early 2009. Hard and Soft FM services are carried out by Sodexo Justice Services Limited.