
Central Middlesex Hospital, UK

Project capex

£75 million


33 years

HICL holding






Finance, construct/refurbish, operate, and maintain new and existing hospital facilities for London North West Healthcare NHS Trust

The Central Middlesex Hospital project is a 33 year concession to finance, construct/refurbish, operate, and maintain new and existing hospital facilities on the Central Middlesex Hospital site in North West London. The client is London North West Healthcare NHS Trust.

The facility comprises 214 beds and three main theatres, and provides clinical and non-clinical day care, and ambulatory care.

Financial close occurred in November 2003. The project involved capital expenditure of approximately £75 million.

The facility became operational in March 2006. The building and maintenance contractor is Central Middlesex Hospital project Limited, a joint venture company formed by Bouygues (UK) Limited and ETDE, both subsidiaries of Bouygues Construction S.A.