
Falkirk NPD Schools, UK

Project capex

£120 million


32 years

HICL holding






Finance, construct, operate, and maintain four secondary schools for Falkirk Council

The Falkirk Schools NPD project is a 32 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain four new secondary schools built on existing sites, for Falkirk Council.

In recent years a number of public authorities in Scotland have procured privately financed infrastructure projects using the “non-profit distributing” or “NPD” model. The NPD model was developed and introduced as an alternative to, and has since superseded, the traditional private finance initiative or “PFI” model in Scotland. It has been used in the education, health and transport sectors.

Financial close was achieved in May 2007. The schools were built by a construction joint venture comprising Ogilvie Construction and Stewart Milne Group, under a £120 million fixed-price construction contract.

The schools have been operational since July 2009. FES FM Limited provides Hard FM services and lifecycle obligations to the project, under a concession life contract. Falkirk Council provides the Soft FM services.