
Haverstock School, UK

Project capex

£21 million


27 years

HICL holding






Finance, construct, operate, and maintain a secondary school for the London Borough of Camden

The Haverstock School project is a 27 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain a new secondary school on an existing school site in Camden, North London for the London Borough of Camden. The school serves 1,100 staff and pupils.

The old school buildings, the majority of which had been built in Victorian times, were replaced by a single linked block of accommodation with frontage along Haverstock Hill in Camden.

Financial close was achieved in October 2003. Designed by Feilden Clegg Bradley, supported by Whitby Bird and Atelier Ten, the school was built by Kajima Construction Europe (UK) Limited. Capital expenditure was £21 million.

Phase 1 of the new school became operational in 2004, with subsequent phases handed over one year later. Operations and maintenance services are provided by Mitie.