
M17/M18 Road, Republic of Ireland

Project capex

€257 million


28 years

HICL holding





Republic of Ireland

Finance, construct, operate, and maintain a 57km dual carriageway for the National Roads Authority, Ireland

The M17/M18 Gort to Tuam PPP project is a 28 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain 57 kilometre of dual carriageway between Gort and Tuam, Ireland, for the National Roads Authority, Ireland.

The project reached financial close in April 2014. Construction was completed in 2017, and was undertaken by a joint venture of John Sisk and Son (Holdings) Limited, Lagan Construction Group Limited, Roadbridge and Strabag AG.

Capital expenditure was c. €260 million.

The routine maintenance of the road is being undertaken by a joint venture of Lagan Operations and Maintenance Limited and A-Way Infrastructure Project Development and Operations GmbH (Strabag).