
Northwood MoD Headquarters, UK

Project capex

£198 million


25 years

HICL holding






Finance, construct, operate, and maintain a strategic military command centre and associated site infrastructure for the Ministry of Defence

The Northwood MoD Headquarters project is a 25 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain new-build facilities and associated site infrastructure and retained estate reconfiguration for the UK Ministry of Defence (‘MoD’) in Northwood, Greater London.

Northwood is the MoD’s strategic military command centre, covering the UK’s three armed forces and is also a NATO establishment. The contract provides fully serviced office accommodation along with improved single accommodation for personnel stationed on the site.

The project reached financial close in July 2006. Construction of the facilities and re-configuration of the refurbished estate was completed in July 2011 after a five year construction programme, carried out by Carillion Construction. Capital expenditure for the project was £198 million. The site has been operational since August 2011.