
Tameside General Hospital, UK

Project capex

£78 million


34 years

HICL holding






Finance, construct, operate, and maintain a hospital for Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Tameside General Hospital PFI project is a 34 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain new-build facilities and associated site infrastructure for Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The works entailed the construction of a new energy centre, a new elderly mental Health unit, a new Diagnostics and Treatment Centre (DTC), an elevated link bridge between the new DTC and an existing hospital building, a new surface car park, and service infrastructure works.

Financial close occurred in September 2007. The project involved capital expenditure of £78 million. Construction of the new facilities was completed by a joint venture between Balfour Beatty Construction Northern Limited and Balfour Beatty Engineering Services Limited (previously Haden Young Limited).

The facility became operational in June 2009. Cofely, a GDF SUEZ company, is providing Hard FM services to the project.