
Wooldale Centre For Learning, UK

Project capex

£24 million


25 years

HICL holding






Finance, construct, operate, and maintain a Centre for Learning and associated facilities for Northamptonshire County Council

Also known as the Caroline Chisholm School, this PFI education project is a 25 year concession to finance, construct, operate, and maintain a secondary school with a public library, primary school, and a nursery, on a large site in Northamptonshire. The client is Northamptonshire County Council.

The Centre for Learning (the primary school, library and part of the secondary school) seeks to encompass the County Council and Government objectives for inclusive education, from nursery through to sixth form, and provides a community hub as well as a lifelong learning resource centre.

At final capacity, the Centre is intended to serve 1,700 staff and pupils.

Financial close was achieved in March 2003. Designed by the Building Design Partnership and built by Kajima Construction Europe (UK) Limited, it had a capital expenditure of approximately £24 million.

The first phase of the Centre for Learning became operational in late 2004. Operations and maintenance services (FM services) are provided by Mitie.