HICL Annual Report 2024 Strategic Report Governance Financials
The Board recognises the importance of a strong corporate
governance culture that meets the requirements of the UK
Governance framework, including the UK Listing Authority as well
as other relevant bodies such as the Association of Investment
Companies (“AIC”) of which HICL is a member. The Board has put
in place a framework for corporate governance which it believes
is appropriate for an investment company. All Directors contribute
to the Board discussions and debates. The Board believes in
providing as much transparency for investors and other stakeholders
as is reasonably possible within the boundaries of client and
commercial confidentiality.
AIFM Directive
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive seeks to regulate
AIFMs and imposes obligations on Managers who manage alternative
investment funds (“AIF”) in the EU or who market shares in such
funds to EU investors. HICL is categorised as an externally managed
AIF for the purposes of the AIFM Directive. In order to maintain
compliance with the AIFM Directive, HICL complies with various
organisational, operational and transparency obligations, including
the pre-investment disclosure information required by Article 23 of the
AIFM Directive.
Non-mainstream pooled investments
HICL conducts its affairs as an investment trust. On this basis,
the Ordinary Shares should qualify as an “excluded security”
and therefore be excluded from the FCA’s restrictions in COBS
4.12 of the FCA Handbook that apply to non-mainstream pooled
investment products.
The AIC Code of Corporate Governance
As a member of the AIC, the Board has considered the Principles and
Provisions of the 2019 AIC Code of Corporate Governance (the “AIC
Code”), a framework of best practice in respect of the governance
of investment companies. The 2019 AIC Code applies to accounting
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019.
The AIC Code addresses the Principles and Provisions set out in the
UK Corporate Governance Code (the UK Code), as well as setting
out additional Provisions on issues that are of specific relevance to
investment companies. The Board considers that reporting against
the Principles and Provisions of the AIC Code, which has been
endorsed by the Financial Reporting Council, provides more relevant
information to shareholders. HICL has complied with the Principles
and Provisions of the AIC Code.
The AIC Code is available on the AIC website (www.theaic.co.uk).
It includes an explanation of how the AIC Code adapts the Principles
and Provisions set out in the UK Code to make them relevant for
investment companies.
As at 31 March 2024, the Board comprised seven non-executive
Directors. In accordance with Provision 10 of the AIC Code all of the
non-executives who served during the year are independent of the
Investment Manager. The Chair, Mike Bane, met the independence
criteria of the AIC Code Provision 11 upon appointment and has
continued to meet this condition throughout his term of service.
Although not a requirement of the AIC Code, in accordance with
guidance in Provision 11, the Board has a Senior Independent
Director, Kenneth Reid. Kenneth met the independence criteria of
the AIC Code Provision 11 upon appointment and has continued
to meet this condition throughout his term of service. Being non-
executive Directors, none of the Directors have a service contract
withthe Company.
The Articles of Incorporation provide that each of the Directors shall
retire at each Annual General Meeting in accordance with Provision
23 of the AIC Code. All seven Directors intend to retire and will offer
themselves for re-election at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting
in July 2024.
The Board believes that the composition of the Board and its
Committees reflects a suitable mix of skills and experience and that
the Board, as a whole, and its Committees functioned effectively
during the last 12 months. An external review was finalised in Q1
2024, with further detail included on page 82.
The Board is scheduled to meet at least five times a year and
between these formal meetings there is regular contact with the
Investment Manager, the Secretary and the Company’s Joint
Corporate Brokers. The Directors are kept fully informed of investment
and financial controls, and other matters that are relevant to the
business of the Company that should be brought to the attention of
the Directors.
The Directors also have access, where necessary in the furtherance
of their duties, to independent professional advice at the expense of
the Company.
The attendance record of Directors for the year to 31 March 2024 is
set out on page 79.
During the period to 31 March 2024 a further six ad hoc and
Committee meetings of the Board took place.
In addition to the statutory matters discussed at each quarterly
Board meeting, the principal focus is on the reports provided by
the Investment Manager, as well as those put forward by HICL’s
Corporate Brokers and financial public relations (“PR”) Agent.
These are all standing agenda items.
Papers are sent to Directors electronically, normally at least a week
in advance of the Board meetings by the Company Secretary.
Board papers include:
– investment activity in the period and the pipeline of potential new
investment opportunities;
– a review of portfolio performance in the period with material issues
identified and discussed;
– a review of any sustainability issues and Group sustainability
initiatives from the period;
– a review of any health and safety matters in the period;
– a detailed financial review, including detailed management
accounts, valuation and treasury matters; and
– reports from HICL’s Corporate Brokers and from the financial
PR company.
Matters relating to HICL’s risk management and internal control
systems (including associated stress tests), are considered by the
Risk Committee (which, in turn, reports any significant matters /
findings to the Board) and these are set out in more detail in the Risk
Committee Report on page 83.
The Board regularly requests further information on topics of interest
to allow informed decisions to be taken.
On a semi-annual basis, the Board, through the Audit Committee,
also considers the Interim and Annual Reports as well as the detailed
valuation of the investment portfolio prepared by the Investment
Manager and the third-party expert opinion on the proposed
valuation. On at least an annual basis, the Board considers a detailed
analysis of HICL’s Budget and Business Plan for the coming year.
Corporate Governance Statement